The media project of young migrants
Ourvoice empowers young refugees worldwide to share their experiences and realities of life in magazines and on the internet. In workshops, we teach refugee young people basic journalistic knowledge. Under professional guidance, they create online articles or printed magazines. Always individually tailored to the situation on site.
Ourvoice promotes tolerance and empathy and breaks down prejudices
Ourvoice creates team spirit, media skills and self-confidence
Ourvoice gives authentic insights into the lives of young migrants
In 2021, nearly 90 million people were displaced worldwide (source: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder). Despite this, media reporting on this massive group is superficial and incomplete. We learn very little about the day-to-day challenges of refugee populations.
Young refugees between the ages of 12 and 16 are in a particularly precarious position. They are growing up in camps, most of them without any education. It seems like no one is interested in their stories. Ourvoice wants to change that: our project gives these young people a voice that is heard worldwide. Ourvoice creates empathy and understanding for their situation.

Ourvoice students aquire media competence and learn the basics of journalism. The project builds team spirit and enables them to articulate themselves. The participants create a product they can be proud of.

Together with local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), we create teams of young people who are media-savvy and want to participate. In an intensive workshop, they first learn journalistic basics.
Then the youth produce their own content under professional guidance. They research interesting topics, write articles, and shoot stories within their own spheres of interest. Their stories are edited and translated into English and published in a local zine or posted on the Ourvoice website. Now, a worldwide audience can get a glimpse of their lives. They can better understand where the youth are coming from, what their challenges are and how they handle them.